Our Curriculum

Blending the Montessori and IB curriculum frameworks, Palms offers a unique educational experience which aims at developing the whole child, by placing emphasis on the:

  • Acquisition of knowledge
  • Attainment of deep conceptual understanding
  • Development of 21 century skills and competencies
  • Embodiment of positive attitudes and character traits
  • Application of learning to impact personal and community life

Attributes of the Quintessential Palm

Our goal is to develop all children into Quintessential Palms. These are globally-minded individuals who identify themselves as stewards of both their talents and their world; and can collaborate with others, wherever they find themselves, to make a positive impact in society.

As Palms, we make every effort to be:

  • Inquirers – Everywhere we go, be it in school or at home, we ask questions and develop our research skills, in order to find answers to our ‘wonderings’.
  • Knowledgeable – We value knowledge and strive to acquire same in various disciplines, to ensure we are well-informed.
  • Thinkers – We use our initiative, as well as our critical and creative thinking skills, to take ethical, effective decisions that solve problems.
  • Communicators – We express our thoughts and ideas confidently and respectfully, and also listen attentively to others’ perspectives, to learn from them.
  • Principled – We demonstrate honesty and integrity in all our dealings. We do the right thing at the right time.
  • Open-minded – We value our culture and ideas, and also respect those of others. We pay attention to others’ perspectives and evaluate them respectfully, understanding that we are all different, and diversity is the essence of life.
  • Caring – We demonstrate love, consideration, empathy, compassion and respect when dealing with others, as well as in our interactions with the environment.
  • Risktakers – We are bold enough to try out new things, following adequate planning and consideration. When faced with challenges, we are resilient and persevere till success is achieved.
  • Balanced – We appreciate the importance of being well-rounded global citizens. As such we strive to give equal emphasis to all aspects of our lives. We participate actively in all disciplines, and in all learning opportunities, both curricular and extra-curricular, so as to achieve holistic personal development.
  • Reflective – We carefully consider our actions and their consequences, drawing lessons from these to improve our work and life. (www.ibo.org)

We believe that by developing these ten attributes, students, staff and members of the Palms Family can be

Quintessential PalmsTrue stewards of their gifts and their world, making a positive impact wherever they find themselves.

The Learning Journey

Palms Education at all levels, targets the development of students’ knowledge and conceptual understanding, as well as hones their critical, 21st century skills, competences and attitudes. These are the Five Keystones that underpin the Palms approach to education.

With respect to 21st century skills and competencies, specifically, Palms Education strives to sharpen learners’:

  • Thinking skills
    • Critical and creative thinking; innovation and transfer
  • Research Skills
    • Information and media literacy
  • Communication skills
    • Reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, presenting, and non-verbal communication
  • Social skills
    • Respect, collaboration, responsibility, conflict management and resolution
  • Self-management Skills
    • Emotion management, organisation skills, reflection (www.ibo.org)
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