About Us

Palms International School (P.I.S.) is a private educational institution, located in the harbour city of Tema. It was established in June 2023 by the lovely Addae family to bring revolutionary, transformative, future-focused education to the reach of the ordinary family.

We offer  all-year-round*, educational and child-care services to children aged three (3) months and above. In addition, we run an extended day from 6:30 am to 6:00 pm, to ensure our cherished parents enjoy absolute flexibility and peace-of-mind.


Our aim is to create a prouder Africa, and a peaceful world through Education.


Our mandate is to leverage revolutionary, transformative, future-focused education to raise global citizens, who through knowledge and empathy, heal their continent and world by effectively addressing its challenges.


As our name suggests, we stand for all the virtues of the Palm Tree:    



As palms like the royal palm are characterised by their uprightness, so is integrity our utmost value. We mean what we say and say what we mean. We act with integrity towards all members of our learning community, as well as the wider community.


As the palm excels in beauty, so do we strive to excel in every area of endeavour, be it academia, the arts, sports or service. We make it our goal to bring beauty out of every child we touch, out of everything we do.


Palms grow in different regions, some in the burning desert, others in the humid rain forest. They are of myriad varieties, and value: some for purely aesthetics; others for their fruit, their juice, their oil and many more. Though different, all are alike in uniqueness of beauty and fruitfulness, according to their nature-assigned roles.

In the same way, we at Palms appreciate that every child is unique, and our job is to identify that uniqueness, nurture it and give it room to blossom. Our job is to guide each Palm to find their space, in order to be make a positive impact in their world.



As there exists countless varieties of palms, so children vary in interest, intellect, learning style, and so many others. We understand that excellence and impact are achieved only through an understanding of our unique strengths and endowments. And so here at Palms, we appreciate all forms of intelligence; we give room for self-expression and ownership, while supporting children to develop in other areas besides their forte.


The palm does not promise much at the beginning. It is coarse to the touch and enveloped in dry bark; but, it is blessed with fibre, so elastic that even under the load of considerable weight, it still grows determinately upwards (The Pulpit Commentary, 2010)

That is the story of every child that passes through our School. We understand that growth takes time, effort and perseverance. We therefore guide learners to develop these values, to enable them evolve into the promising Palms they each are.

Children may look frail and incapable when they begin the learning journey, but through resilience and perseverance, each is hand-held every step of the way to achieve excellence and impact.

We celebrate the process, not only the result; every child is their own competition. At PIS, we focus on personal growth by challenging every child to reflect on their performance, and identify areas of difficulty. We then guide them to overcome these challenge, celebrating their success, be it big or small.

We are Palms, and we understand that we need time to attain the pinnacle of excellence, integrity and fruitfulness…This is What We Stand For!

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